Nature support work at Ljuvadal

Med vårt naturstödjande arbete på Ljuvadal vill vi främja biologisk mångfald och bidra till ökad medvetenhet om naturens förtjänster. Vi vill ge fler chansen att upptäcka allt det vackra och fascinerande som naturen bjuder på.

Wild pollinators, wild bees and other wasps, butterflies and moths, flower flies, other flies and beetles are of great importance for biodiversity and for our food supply. Due to, among other things, fewer flower-rich environments and the use of plant protection products, our wild pollinators are under threat, both globally and in the Swedish landscape. Here at Ljuvadal, we try to help pollinators through various measures.

Naturstödjande åtgärd på Ljuvadal, blommande äng

Actions for pollinators

To benefit pollinators, we have set aside areas where we have sown meadow seeds. Flowers and grasses are allowed to bloom here.

Pollinators have access to pollen and we humans can enjoy the flowers. In late summer, we mow these areas with a scythe or mower blade.

We have also planted flowering shrubs, such as willow and lilac, and built bee hotels where wild bees can lay their eggs.

Measures for birds, bats and bugs

Decaying and hollow trees are now rare in forests, making it difficult for species living in these environments to find suitable places to survive and breed.

To help birds, bats and various bugs, we have created fauna depots by piling up logs, twigs and branches and setting up bird boxes, bat boxes and mule boxes. In one of the hollows there is a hatch, so you can look in and discover the hidden life in a decaying tree.

Naturstödjande åtgärd på Ljuvadal, faunadepå av stockar och kvistar i hög invid Ugglebodasjön

Do you want to support nature yourself?

A simple measure to help pollinators is not to mow part of the lawn. If you want to speed up the growth of flowering herbs, you can spread seeds that produce flowers. Choose perennial seeds from native species.

We also want to promote the possibility of making your own bee hotels and emphasize the importance of making the bee hotels deep enough. Many of the bee hotels available for purchase are far too shallow and contain materials that bees cannot use.

Here are some useful links for those who want to read more and take action themselves:

Finansiering av naturstödjande åtgärder

The Swedish State grants for local nature conservation projects are co-financing the implementation of this project. We are grateful for the opportunity to take nature-supporting measures through the project and to inform about our work.

Logobild för Lokala Naturvårdssatsningen.